Friday, February 24, 2006

learned something new

it never ceases to amaze me what a person can end up learning just from surfing the internet. yesterday, the lady that i was getting a massage from was telling me about the band her son from great falls is in (never say never), so today i decided to check out some of the songs they have on the web. it was not exactly my style of music, but they played very well so i can appreciate that, and i started clicking links to other unknown bands and ended up reading about this chick that is "polyamorous". not knowing what that meant, i had to check it out. after reading alot of articles, i came across a video. it's not safe for work, old people, young people, or my mother. there is no full nudity, although plenty is implied by actions, and it has to be the most hilarious video i have watched on the net so far. so if you want to learn about a lifestyle your guidance counselor probably never told you about, click here. (one of the guys in the video looks like robbie gordon, the nascar driver)

in other not so noteworthy news, tonight we will be playing at the eagle's club, and it would appear that my relationship status has once again returned to "single".

when i get home from playing at 3am i promise to catch up on some emails i'm behind on, and then promptly sleep until the crack of noon. and by the way, to everyone who calls me at 8am just to see how the gig went, i think my dog will accidently eat the phone cord while i am out tonight and i probably won't realise and fix it until noon tommorrow.

have a great weekend everyone

Thursday, February 16, 2006

balmy weather here

it's a nice brisk -9°F right now, so yes unk, i would love to fly to kansas and play with you guys this weekend. unfortunately, i have to play both nights this weekend myself, which means we have to do set up and sound check tonight. and it's supposed to get down to -27° tonight, so i'm sure it will be even colder by 7:00 when we start tonight. and on top of that, i sprained the knuckle on my index finger i hold the pick with last week, so i've had it taped up in hopes it will heal enoough to make it through this weekend and next.

and in another strange coincidence, i've noticed that as the temperature has dropped this winter, so has the amount of women that show up and flash us while we are playing. i'm no scientist, but i'm guessing it's because it's easier to flip up a tank top than it is 3 turtle neck sweaters? maybe i should apply for government funding to study this phenomenon.

anyways, have fun in wichita unk, tell everyone hi for me, and out of curiosity, do women flash bluegrass guitar players too?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

ho hum

just when i thought nothing could make messy nae fall asleep any faster than a diet coke and chloroform cocktail, i went and did this:

i actually MADE dinner for her, broccoli-cauliflower-cheese soup, croissant rolls, baked asparagus with butter and parmesan cheese sauce, and she falls asleep on the couch 30 minutes after finishing.

oh well, just normal for the not-even-semi-famous rock-star/draftsman life style i have chosen as my own. (sorry mom)

(and while i do have an emily post book, 1969 edition, i didn't have time to consult it to make sure i had properly placed the silverware. sorry!)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


i forgot to stress to my dad the importance of why the new toy i gave him is called a "snowmobile".

but then again,

when the only known picture of his three children together is a fuzzy shot of us sneeking through the woods by a river like hillbilly sasquatch's, it all kinda makes sense.....

Friday, February 10, 2006

snowing again

not much new going on, staying busy at work, and practicing with the band. we do have one new song written, but not recorded yet. carl was gone on vacation this week, so we practiced without him. and since i only do a few leads, i had the guy who does all my guitar work, brian wicks, come over and be the lead player for the evening. i've had several people ask about the gear i use, and i'm waiting until brian gets his web site up so i can link to it since he has done a lot of custom work to my guitars the last few months. so as soon as his site is ready i will get everyone current on the junk i use on stage. we still have mike larsen playing with us on bass, though we have not made any decisions as to what to do on a permanent basis. i myself have started leaning to play bass also so that if need be we could play as a three piece band, but we plan on having a permanent bass player. i also played around on the drums this week while i was getting everything set up for practice, and it's a sure thing i'll never make a living as a drummer. i can't play guitar and tap my foot at the same time, much less do four different things at once on a drum kit.

right now, i'm off to bob ward's suprise birthday party (i hope he's not reading this yet), so everyone have a great weekend.