Wednesday, November 30, 2005

another sound check

tonight is another sound check at the Eagle's Club, and then i'm going home to plow some snow to see if i can find my driveway. earlier this week i emailed my brother les who is in kuwait and asked what he needed for entertainment while stuck on the base, and this was the response i got:

"You would not like this place. All they have is near-beer, no porn, and fornicating is strictly forbidden. Any of these offenses will get you 5 months in the little prison here on base."

-apparently my favorite covert activities are not so "covert".


At 12/04/2005 12:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'd like to be anonymous, but my comments would surely identify me anyhow. as the sweet, kind, and gentle favorite sister of this website idol, i must say am not surprised at the conditions our other bro is surviving in the desert. i'm surfing this website while on my lunch break because it's the only function i can seem to make this government computer do today. thanks to the recent addition of 'spyware' that allows someone in washington to see what each of it's underlings is doing on the internet, the whole network has been messed up. so, if they're watching, yes i would normally be doing work while i eat, but i did not cause this problem!
otherwise, don't comment back to me because i'll be too busy working to play around on the internet.

At 12/06/2005 05:04:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

you would think that if a person is gonna have a web site, they would go to it and up date it every now and then.. that sound check has been going on long enough. if he would get rid of all that electronic stuff, he would not need all those sound checks. ofcourse, i like the sound of my guitar. (1963 gibson flatop. ) i am not used to all the electrity you guys have out there.



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