first of all, hi to ponyboy- glad to hear from you again, and i still have not got the video feeds to work on my website, i will get it figured out eventually.
and now for the leftovers: random pictures from this past year that did not get used for anything. (long post)

this is from the first night i played with Premonition

this is the guy i talked about who launched a ford explorer 90 feet into the side of a school. you can see where he tore up the bank launching by the fire hydrant, and the part of wall that is boarded up where he hit the school.

setting up on the HCR truck to play a street dance

the only bath i took all summer, you can see the ball that finally dunked me.

yes unk, i really was playing with my cuffs half covering my hand. and with a band-aid, and a ring, and black fingernails....

proof there really are trees in kansas

my mom playing slide guitar

me, messy nae, and some friends in virginia city, mt

people really are more refined in montana than in the ozarks. they may still eat barbecue chicken legs whole, but at least they wear a bib and use a fork.
and finally

they were not kidding when they said i had an "outdoor couch". here is "the unk" trying to learn a jane's addiction song. it was going real well until we got to that dang b chord.
i think the leftovers is the best thing you have put up since i found this blogg. i realise we have a different opinion about what is( playing guitar) but that is ok.
thanks for all the pics
thanks unk, and actually, we don't have a different opinion as to what is playing guitar, we just have different abilities with the guitar. you have the ability to play clean and accurate, and i have the ability to use the words clean and accurate in a sentence.
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