Tuesday, January 10, 2006

pay attention, this is good advice!

experts say you should learn something new everyday. this is what i learned on saturday: if you come home and your girlfriend is doing a taebo workout in your living room, do not say "yeah, i noticed you put a few pounds on during the holidays". because while taebo may not have improved her waistline any, it sure improved her aim!

actually, it was the rearview mirror post on my '40 ford truck i'm working on, but the girlfriend story sounded better. and no, she did not gain a few pounds, i made that up to.


At 1/11/2006 01:01:00 PM, Blogger hankwood said...

this was in an email, and it echo'd my thoughts exactly:

"The taebo story is much better than getting your butt kicked by an aging truck."


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