Wednesday, March 08, 2006

a great day for the wood family

while perusing the great expanse we call the internet this morning, i found two things of profound importance in establishing the unknown history behind the symbols on the wood family crest: (1) quadraped humans discovered and (2) hairy lobsters discovered. this would explain why that although my mothers side of the family can be traced back to coming over from wales, my fathers side seems to have never been anywhere but arkansas. we assumed in our family lineage search that the wood clan had always been mouth-breathing, upright-walking, non-crustacean type, normal human beings. oops.

a few questions:

hey hank i bought me a new amp, and a mike. does that mean there is hope for me or am i out of luck?? unk

-you can actually PLAY guitar unk, i'm the one that needs all the luck i can get

When are you going to tell us about the guitar gear you use, like you promised weeks ago?

-i did take some pictures of what i use live, i will get them posted soon.

why do i have to be a 'user' to have my name on here if i leave a comment?
Anthony says "NO!"

-well anthony, if you click "other" when it says choose an identity, you can enter whatever name you would like without being a member or "being" anonymous. (and quit making messages pop up on my computer or i will block all administrator access!)

Thanks Hank for the nice posting of my Uncle Dean. I know that he really enjoyed playing with the band and hanging out with all of you! Kristy

-i certainly enjoyed playing with him, and i think of him alot when we play the songs he liked to play, as well as the songs he hated to play but did because i liked them.

this week: nothing much going on, hopefully do some more body work on my old ford and maybe another day of snowboarding. i shot some video while riding the back chairlift at showdown last weekend, here is a short clip, i have more if i get ambitious and put it all together.


At 3/10/2006 05:17:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was watching your video when you were on the chairlift, and I thought I could here my wife tell you she could throw here bra in the tree. But I don't think the limbs are that small.



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