Friday, March 24, 2006

poetry and so much more

while contemplating taking a nap this afternoon before we play at the eagle's club tonight, i was stricken with an acute dose of mind numbing genious-ness:

today i write poetry
tomorrow i'll look up prose
i thought that i had caught haiku
but it was just a runny nose

sir robb's-alot shot some video of people dancing in the street last friday, here is the link. if you can name two of the people in it, i will tell you if you are right.

disclaimer: no animals were hurt during today's post, but there may be misspellings, mis-use, and even made up words used throughout.

and to the person wanting pictures of my nipples, NO!


At 3/25/2006 08:47:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was it just me or did it look like all three were making out @ the end of that video. it kinda turned me on!!!!!


At 3/25/2006 02:50:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

may not have been any animals hurt, but from the looks of your writing, your loud music is geting to you.


At 3/25/2006 07:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow. Are you telling me that you came up with that poem all on your own?

I have to admit, its pretty good. :)

Hank, I think you've missed your calling in life...


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