Friday, June 23, 2006

allergies suck

so every morning for the last month i've woke up to a screaming headache, aching eyes, and record setting eye boogers, you know, the ones where you touch the blob blocking your entire vision in one eye, and it stretches out about 2 inches before it breaks in half. yeah, welcome to my life. hopefully all the cottonwood trees will quit blooming soon, otherwise i'm gonna have to go live in a bubble some where in antarctica where there are no plants and foods to be allergic to. eskimos survive by eating snow, don't they?

tonight we play at the eagle's club, hopefully i'll feel somewhat alive by then, otherwise it'll be a long night. and since i'll be all wired on coffee and redbull by 2am and can't sleep for another 2 hours, i promise to fix my website issues and send the 12 emails i'm behind on. and tomorrow i'm supposed to go help at the first drag race of the year here in lewistown, which should be fun on about four hours of sleep. and of course, as i insist on only the best for myself, i get to work in the beer garden, which is the funnest job out there. i donated my keg refrigerator and co2 tap to them since what they had been using was quite scary looking, even after a few beers. and since i no longer feel the need to dispose of as much beer as possible my self it should actually be alot more fun watching everyone else act like idiots instead of being one myself with them. i'm all for beer and drugs, it just didn't work well for me. and while i realize that someone has to drink that beer because it can't throw it's self up, i'm content being an innocent bystander now.

not that i feel any better by staying chemically clean since i'm allergic to everthing and sick all the time from that, but at least my friends like me more now. so all in all, life is good, except for these dang eye boogers......


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