Thursday, June 08, 2006

great news!

AP Associated Press

Updated: 4:17 p.m. MT June 7, 2006
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Billy Ray Cyrus wants his mullet back.

if that's not good news, i don't know what is. and no, i will not be shaving the top of my head to help him further his cause. with any luck he will grow his mullet nice and long. as in, long enough for some cake eating, crack snacking bayou betty lesbian tug boat wrangler (no offense, bigin) to wrap around his neck and strangle him to death like piano wire.

on a brighter note, rangersis and i just got back from yellowstone national park and i have the pictures to prove it. there are 21 photo's in all, so if you are on a dial up connection, you have plenty of time to go make coffee, do some laundry, mow the lawn, and maybe even write a dissertation to complete your masters degree in lifetime leasure sports, all the while waiting for everything to download.

anyways, enjoy the photos, and feel free to save any you like. if you want the high res file for printing on a larger format, email me and i will send it to you. and if you happen to make millions selling my pictures, at least have the courtesy to send a thank you card to: hank wood, c/o yellowstone clinic, psych ward 1, billings montana.

and, i promise to post pictures of the mustang soon now that it is painted, as well as answer some of the questions that have been asked. if you have any more, post them in the comments section.

here we go:

shouldn't she be looking at the road?

snowstorm on beartooth pass

april at mammoth hot springs

island in yellowstone lake

checking to see if the flash works

the grand canyon of yellowstone

i have no clue why i took this picture

Roy G Biv

girl's don't poop, but buffalo sure do!

there's one in every woodpile

april's shoulder and an elk in velvet

clubhouse at undisclosed frisbee golf course

sorry april, you have to throw it from where it landed

billy, the undisclosed course pro

me chucking one through a tree

april stuck behind the same tree

nesting eagle picture

april's nesting eagle picture (mine was better)

the historic fairweather inn at virginia city

april's haunted hotel room

the ghost in the mirror told me to "get a haircut"

and the sun set as we rolled back into lewistown


At 6/08/2006 09:39:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you go to the doctor to get rid of the cooties yet?

At 6/14/2006 10:40:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, like, did you kill some brain cells recently or what? The last few posts you've misspelled a bunch of words. Very unlike you.


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