the rustang lives!
the photo's suck since i took them with my cell phone instead of my camera, but after i tint the windows and get the band logo on the back window we will do a photo shoot doing something cool with it.

it has small falcon hubcaps since i didn't like the original mustang ones, and i left the chrome cross bar with the running pony on it out of the grill since i think it looks better without it.
so april left this last weekend, and this coming weekend we are playing in havre, a whirlwind trip leaving saturday morning, setting up, sound check, a quick dinner, playing until 1 am, tearing down, loading all our junk, and getting home about 6 sunday morning, all without sleeping. but as usual, it will be great fun. i just want some time off as i have 4 phone numbers on my fridge of girls i said i would go out with when i get time. hopefully some time before i'm old. and before i need viagra.
and now i'll answer a few questions:
Do you always play from the left side of the stage, or do you guys trade places some?
--i'm always on the same side, and we don't really wander around on the stage much since we would get all tangled up in the cords. i would like to use my wireless more as it is nice to walk around unrestricted. you know, like going commando.
hey hank, what ever happened to the ford pick up ??
--the bed and front clip are sand blasted and sitting in my garage waiting for this fall when i hopefully have time to work on it.
where did you learn to do body work?
--i worked at a chassis shop after college building race cars and the guy who owned it did body work on show cars, so he explained a few things and the rest i learned on my own
Did you go to the doctor to get rid of the cooties yet?
--i had some penicillin epi pens in the fridge from my last groupie party, so i used those.
Dude, like, did you kill some brain cells recently or what? The last few posts you've misspelled a bunch of words. Very unlike you.
--well, it is allergy season again, and after a cortizone shot in my butt i'm finally starting to feel better. and maybe i should fire the monkey that does my spell checking.
I live in San Diego, is Becky hot looking? And, what does the sticker by the volume knobs on your guitar say?
--yes, becky is hot looking. and her biker husband likes it that way. the sticker says "caution, rider may bail at any time"
Is premonition like a hoagie sandwich?
--sort of, except that you have heartburn before you eat it, not after.
becky said...
(i bet you don't even remember when my birthday is! and asking your sister is cheating...)
--you're right, i don't remember when it it is. but i do remember who put peanut butter under your mustang door handle.
that's enough for now, we are loading the band equipment up tonight so i gotta go. have a great evening.
Nice Mustang, blah blah blah. What I really like is the hidden link on the post title. It took forever to load on my dial up, but well worth the wait!
hey hank
compared to the last time i saw the Rustang, it looks damm good..
oh, i remember who put the peanut butter under my door handles (and on the windshield), too.
boy, was i ticked off when i saw the scratches on the door where the dogs jumped up to lick it off.
btw, sis just left my place this morning. she's headed to 29 palms (the middle of nowhere) before heading home.
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