last night was a VERY long night, and tonight will be even longer, but it's for a good cause, and we play on a big outdoor stage instead of the cramped little corner stages in most of the dive bars we usually end up in. it's the relay for life event here in lewistown and we are the main band, so we will be there from 7 tonight until 6 tomorrow morning. we don't have to play the whole time as there are a few other acts that will come up to give us a break, but i'm sure they will all go home by midnight or 2am leaving us to finish, but i have lots of coffee and pizza ordered, so that should get us through. and i'm sure i will get thrown in the dunk tank as i did last year. after they announced i was getting in the tank it was amazing how many people lined up to dunk me.
maybe i should have bought better friends.
or at least treated them better.
anyway, i've slept about 5 hours, downloaded and switched web browsers to firefox, which i would definitly recomend everyone doing, and now it's the crack of noon and time to take the camper out to the fair grounds then haul all our equipment out for set up and a sound check. so, everyone have a good weekend, and i will leave you with some photo's from memorial day weekend when rangersis was here, and there are 3 new song videos loaded over on for you to check out. as usual, they are large files, require quicktime 7, and take 15 minutes to download if you are on dial up, but for once you can actually hear my rhythm part, which proves that occasionally they do let me plug my amp in.

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