once again,
i guess i lied. i never finished my other post. currently, i am in the lobby of the hotel, using their computer since the wireless in the room is down. and this thing doesn't have a card reader, so you will have to wait until i get home tomorrow night for all the pictures i took last night and today. we are playing for a halloween party tonight, i'm going to go as joe dirt. kinda fits, as hank wood and joe dirt both sound pretty low to me. the only difference, is he got a hot blonde in the end, so where's mine? one thing i had last night that he didn't: the hot barmaid's brought me cheese balls while we were playing. and i have no idea why my guitar neck and white pick i was using turned orange. must be because of halloween. i thought about dressing up as a decent upstanding citizen, but realised i didn't have the right skills to pull that off. it's been fun so far, but right now, it's time to hit some coffee and head back to the hotel room to practice the new song we learned today while we were bored. and time to change into a "great white" t shirt from '86. i just hope the club doesn't burn down.
ok, here's some pictures, the video i will load later.

mmmmm, cheese balls.......

the guy sitting down is colie hamilton. he filled in for mike on bass this weekend, and is the original guitarist that i replaced. and by replaced i mean i stand on the stage in the spot he used, because this guy is 100 times better than me on guitar. and he can listen to a song and in about 2 minutes have every part figured out on the guitar, even all the lead stuff. a very amazing individual. and that weird look on carls face behind him? the next picture will explain.

yep, carl squeezed out a butt bomb compliments of the kfc buffet, and that's colie with his head hanging out the window trying not to puke. it laid waste to the air on the whole floor we were on. i ran out of the room as fast as i could and it still made my eyes water. and by water i mean i was sobbing/crying uncontrollably.

check it, carl can play left handed too!

this is the song by tom petty that colie sat in the car and figured out while me and carl did a bombing run on the buffet at kfc.

watching king kong before heading out to the club

even in black and white she's a pretty hot looking chic, too bad she's old and probably dead by now

isn't he cute!
I'm here..! :o)))
Thank you for your comment.
Check my blog..! There is something for you.
No, thank you. Maybe a blankie..?
You T H I N K you're in love..?!
You A R E in love..!!! *LOL*
What for..?!!!
There is NO time for pajamas..!
;o) kiss kiss
Ps.Sorry, now I'm serious. Please forgive me my english. I can read english text and understand, but write... it's science fiction.
Greetings from Copenhagen Anita
Nice to be her
hankwood, where is my wonderbra..? Who are you, the B E S T guy in the world..?
Your last message, that was something. WOW
but I'm NOT saint (check my blog, there is more for you)
Carl looks a little gay.
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