i know.
yes, i've read the emails, what's up, how was your trip, when are you going to post again, this place is getting boring, did your dog really hump the neighbor lady again..........
all of which are very good questions. and i guess i better get to answering some of them as snowboarding season starts in 2 days, which will significantly cut into my few weekend moments to play on the 'net and post romantic interludes and confess my dirty deeds from the previous week. i'm not sure if i had a point there or not.
anyways, i'll be back later today to answer all the above questions plus any in the comments that i have not got to yet. right now, i'm off to find some hazelnut coffee.
here we go:
the trip was long and boring, luckily i had plenty of dvd's to watch as i drove down the interstsate, and yes, i know that is dangerous/illegal, but really, it's the least of my many bad habit's. i started watching season one of the hbo show six feet under, and i think i am totally in love with the brenda character. the rest of the show is great, too. just a few more episodes left in season one, then i'm off to season two.
i did take some pictures while in missouri, unfortunately not any at my sister's wedding. mainly because i was 2 hours late getting there. but, i promise i will get some photo's and post them just for you anita!
we played at the festival of tree's last weekend, and it was definitely the biggest crowd we have ever ran off. we started with over 400 people, and within an hour there was about 50. but it was late when we started playing. oh well. i did get to try out my new amp, it's a hughes and kettner, don't remember the model at the moment, but i liked it, just need more time to get it dialed in. from playing it that night i think i will be using it out on the road instead of lugging my marshall and all the rack stuff it needs to get a semi-clean sound. unless, of course, we are playing something outdoors where we can play all rock, then i will bring it and the 4x12 cab as it has the sweetest overdrive tone.
and let's see, someone asked how the dating scene was going, and i must say it has pretty much sucked lately. the random encounters with new people have been great, but the actual "date's" have pretty much all been bad, bad, bad. and with the office christmas party coming up next week, it looks like once again i will be ordering a chic from whores-R-us to accompany me. which reminds me, i better get my order in soon, the best one's always sell out fast.
alright, enough for now, i will be back later with more answers to YOUR questions!
Since today is Pearl Harbor Day, I just wanted to say thanks to all who have fought and died for our great country. The first picture is from the day after the attack when the USS Arizona was still burning, with over 1100 guys still trapped inside her. Due to being forced into a defensive mode in case the Japanese tried to invade the island, no resources (man power) could be spared from the war effort to rescue the men from inside the ship, and up until christmas day from inside the ship loud bangs could be heard from the guys hitting the steel walls with wrenches, to let people know they were still alive, unfortunately they were never to be saved. This picture is one that I have framed in my office, and I tell them thanks for their sacrifice every day. Of course, this way of thinking has also brought ME lots of pain and suffering, as in the not so recent past I often decided to go out and party for those guys in honor of them, which always ended up in way too much booze and painkillers, but luckily now I have decided maybe they would appreciate my living a decent, healthy, american lifestyle even more. So, I raise my cup of coffee in a salute to the guys in our armed forces, past present and future!

Oh my gosh, what a wonderful yet heartwrenching post about the guys trapped on that ship. I'm going to send this link to all my friends!
Hank - when I get better I'm going to write more. I've got the flu, really bad one.
Love Anita
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