if you happen to be the parents of a girl who might perhaps be dating a contributor to this site, AND you have no desire to see /believe your daughter kissing other girls in the joyous moments following the ringing in of the new year while attending a most excellent performance by a not so famous band in the vast prairie we call central montana, DO NOT PROCEDE ANY FURTHER!
you have been warned.

i'm not kidding, go away now if you don't want to see this!

and if you've ever wondered what our band looks like after a few too many cocktails, here is your answer:
I wish I hadn't left so early that night.
This is what I write when I run out of meds and can’t sleep
Pain is making me insane
Pain in my dreams pain during the day. Does it ever go away
Pain that can’t be erased in time or softened
Pain that tears me apart in many ways yet im still alive.
Pain that ruins your life day by day week by week and it doesn’t
seem to disappear.
Pain that can’t be described but maybe you will experience later
in your life.
Pain has clamed many lives yet more will come. Because I don’t
know how much longer I can hold on.
Pain has killed dreams of what I wanted to be come and the
pain is just going on and on.
Pain in my back is making me scared what
will I become if I live for another year.
So this question I ask myself day by day.
Should I just give in and die today.
I love the Ghostbusters.
I like Ghostbusters 1 the best.
"Maybe now you'll never slime a guy with a positron collider, huh?"
tiibvl"There once was a man with a corkscrew prick,
Which made his lovelife incredibly sick.
He searched in vain on an endless hunt,
To find his mate with a corkscrew cunt.
When he found her, he dropped dead,
Son of a b... she was a left hand thread."
am I invited to the wedding..?!!!
Awww geeezzzzz...we always did wonder about that one!....where did we go wrong???!!!! By the way....loved the limerick....LMAO!!!!
Sorry to hear about your Uncle
Give this poem to your Aunt.
Only the Best
A heart of gold stopped beating,
two shining eyes at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove,
He only takes the best.
God knows you had to leave us,
but you did not go alone,
for part of us went with you,
the day He took you home.
To some you are forgotten,
to others just part of the past,
but to us who loved and lost you,
the memory will always last.
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