Monday, February 19, 2007

here we go again.

alright, things are back to as normal as they get around here. and for those who might have received an email or text message with a picture attached last week, i apologize, and rest assured that i promise i will not be posting any pictures of my privates (or any part thereof) on this fine blog.

i did finally update my website on where and when we are playing next, and i must say last weekend was one of the best and most fun weekends that premonition has had. we didn't have to play whiney country half the night and the people were really into dancing. tonight we have to go load all our equipment, then i get the rest of the week off to go snowboard and relax from this horendous lifestyle that i lead. some days it takes all the energy i have just to be me.

anyways, rangersis and her new husband, who i have yet to make up a sufficiently demeaning nickname for yet, and his sister have all invaded my homestead, forcing me and holly dog to grab the beer, nacho cheese dip, and a couple dvds and retreat to the fifth wheel camper while they take up residence in my domestic domocile. and, very special thanks to my misti for always being there for me. ( you know what you did, don't make me admit in front of everyone that you cleaned my house while i slept all day after playing guitar all night) luckily the camper is well stocked with necessities, and i hooked up the cable tv, so life is good. unless the furnace quits.

also, thank you everyone for your kind thoughts on my uncle howard, and i'm quite amazed at how many people downloaded the song, it was over 100 the last time i checked!


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