these 2 articles are from the college of the ozark's alumni news letter. and yes, i did graduate, in 4 years, and my major was not leisure activities. this first one mentions arthur cahill, who was on the board of elders for the school, and i worked for him doing landscaping and outdoor maintenace almost every evening for the four years i was in college. he was a great guy, always a gentleman and he had a twisted sense of humor like i do. he passed away a few years ago, and would have been 100 this year. he was born on the 7th day of the 7th month of the 7th year. remind me to tell you the story about catching a little bird in a sack at his house and letting it go in the theatre at the college during a play. (click the articles to zoom and read them if you like)

this next article is about one of my favorite teachers. she tried to get me to change my major to business since i took so many classes with her and was actually good at them. another fond memory i have from her class involves sitting next to one of my friends, and during one of her lectures i look over and he is sniffing one of the pockets in his wallet, then wants me to take a sniff. so i did. the pocket was empty, but had a very distinct smell, of which i won't reveal what it was, but he can if he likes, as i recently got back in touch with him after 12 years! his name is gregg, and he was the only influence other than my uncle's in me wanting to play guitar, as he is very good and actually played in the pep band for the college sports teams. which is basically unheard of in a pep band . anyways, he lives in texas and playes for the band legacy.
we also worked in the same department for the college, and have many fond memories of that too. well, some are not so fond, but are definitely classics! remind me to tell you some of those stories some day too. just don't believe anything he says i did, as i'm sure his memory is incorrect as i would NEVER do the stuff he says i did. i swear!

Sunny greetings from Copenhagen
I believe the lecture featuring the wallet sniffing was in Dr. Wagnon's class. At any rate, no illegal substances were ever brought on to campus by me (either in my blood stream or otherwise).
The smell was distinct and was caused by a substance that was stored there for a short while and later consumed by others. It was rather funny as I noticed the odor and was trying to figure out where it was coming from. That was when you saw me sniffing the wallet. It is always nice when friends give you things for free and you really can't say no and end up passing it along to others at a later date. I always tried to walk the straight and narrow path but as Garth Brooks once said, "I've got friends in low places". I loved my time at C of O. During my time there, I was married, divorced, thrown out of a trailer park for having a dog and too many cars, etc in my drive way,
and met a wonderful girl who ended up kicking me to the curb because she thought I wanted to get married again. How in the hell she ever arrived at me wanting to get married again was always a mystery. In hind sight (which is always 20/20) I was in lust with her. I am now a happily married with three daughters and only can laugh when I look back on my adventures as a younger, single man. I made the Dean's list a few times so don't think that I was just partying and shacking up with young, hot girls (although I was rather good at it). I also worked as a DJ at KCOZ and held down several part time jobs after school. I didn't attend the formal graduation ceremony but proudly display my diploma from C of O next to my other degrees (Associates of Art-Colorado Institute of Art Music Video Business)
(Master of Business Administration-University of Phoenix)
and for all of those who think going to college on the internet is easy.....Think again. It was tough, requried a lot of dedication! Hank Wood is a great and talented guy and I am honored to be mentioned on his blog. Hopefully, one day I will get to jam with him and his band.
Talking with Hank a few weeks ago caused me to think a lot about my time at C of O. I rememeber when someone drew a large (@ 6 feet tall)version of the male sex organ on the inside door of the elevator in the KCOZ building (real name escapes me). That nearly gave Dr. Clark a heart attack. The radio station was by far my favorite work station on campus. We accomplished a lot there! I had a great time at C of O and wished I could have spent my entire undergraduate time there (as I transferred to C of O as a Junior).
In any event, I got a lot out of going to school there. I lived off campus which is the only way that I could attend there. I was older than most of the other students and living in a dorm just wouldn't have worked for me (due to the activities listed on my other post). Hank, I miss you buddy. We need to get together and play some music soon!
I listened to some of the audio/video clips. Premonition sounds good! I would be honored to sit in if I ever make it to the fine state of Montana (One of the few states in the USA that I have yet to visit along with Vermont, Wisconsin,North Dakota, and South Carolina.) If I do visit, I will only come armed with a VOX Tonelab SE and a trusty Gibson guitar as Hank strongly dislikes Fender guitars.
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