Saturday, June 09, 2012

if you are reading this...

you are either A: a subscriber from WAY back, B: you clicked the "next blog" button, or C: you found this from my facebook post. i would just like to say that i am still hank wood, just no longer the alcoholic, pain killer addict that i was when this blog was written. yes i know it encompasses multiple years. i was an alcoholic and addict for multiple years. i still am, technically, an alcoholic and addict, i just don't choose to live that way anymore. but i'm still the worst guitar player that ever got paid to play....


At 6/26/2012 04:21:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dang Hank your gonna be missed.

your friend,

At 7/04/2012 05:48:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Give Amanda a hug for me. I know that she greeted you there and probably chewed you out too. love and miss you Hank


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