Is this a bad sign?

This past weekend was alot of fun, the friday night gig at the Eagles was slow, but saturday night made up for it. Since it was a 50th birthday party and most of the people attending were close to that age, i figured it would be more of a social event than a dance party. I was wrong. They didn't want to hear any old country, and they sure didn't want to hear Jane's Addiction, but they danced to every 60's and 70's rock song we could think of.
During one of the songs when Carl was playing a lead, this furry rodent looking thing comes running up on my side of the stage. It was moving too fast to tell, but i was sure it was a hairy nosed wombat since i had been watching Animal Planet before coming to the show. It then ran behind Dean, the bass player, and ended up on Carl's feet, right in the middle of his solo. Now normally, Carl doesn't mess up unless someone steps on his guitar cord, but with being somewhat of a schitzo anyways, this thing on his feet didn't set well. (isn't it odd that in most psycho movies the weirdo is named Carl?) Jerry, the drummer, can't see what's at Carl's feet because of his kit, but he can see that Carl is jumping up and down trying to use his guitar as a club, so he yells "verse" and starts singing so that the rest of us can finish the song while Carl crawls down from on top of his amp. The furry thing runs on off the other side of the stage, and disapears. Someone in the crowd said they thought it was a swamp rat, so i kept my wombat theory to myself since i'm not sure if there are wombats in Montana.
So we finish playing the gig, and start tearing our equipment down. Carl (the schitzo) is unplugging the main and monitor speakers from the back of the amps, when he jumps 10 feet in the air, screaming. Again. It appears that whatever ran across the stage earlier in the evening is hiding inside the back of the road box with the main amps, and was clawing and biting him as he tried to unplug everything. It turns out to be a wild cat that had snuck in from somewhere, and it was still hiding behind the stage curtains when we left. Nice kitty.......