15FTW update!
though it has been a while since i took time to post, i havn't screwed off the WHOLE time. just most of it. last weekend i went camping and fishing with the chickipoo and her kid, (and all my friends who decided to just drop by), and the weekend before that me and misti went to virginia city, an old west town in the mountains of southwest montana. those were the only weekends i had off until the end of august from the band, so i figured i better do it right.
but i also worked on the 15FTW album, as i had promised! while it started out to be 15 songs by my 2 uncles and myself from one recording session, it has evolved into 3 cd's worth of material from multiple sessions.
there will be the album with 13 or so songs that will be released to the general public by Knah Records and available to order from CDBABY.com and here, a second album of outtakes, as in the songs that didn't make the original album for family and friends who want it, (and pretty much anyone else who really wants one), and a third cd from the last recording session with all the chatting in between songs to give to the family, as this was the last recordings from my uncle howard before he died. pretty much all the songs will be on either the released album or the outtakes cd. so as it stands after the last couple weeks, the third cd is done, the second is mostly done, just have to finish all the tracks being considered for the album, then put those not used on the outtakes cd. so see, i got alot done!
also, here is the picture to be used on the album cover, there will be additional text and graphics added for the final cover.
here is a picture from last fall of bill and howard playing with some of bill's friends, they are on the left.

and finally, a couple pics while working on the album last night.
though you can't see the front of my shirt in this picture, i hoped unki in heaven wasn't offended by me wearing a pink floyd shirt while editing the music he was so proud to play on his old gibson. and though our styles of music may have been different for the most part, the firm belief in gibson guitars has done well for both of us!
and since this is an album update, i guess there is no better time to give up one last nugget of media to the public. the first 2 links have been posted here before, the first is the only full length finished song to be made public so far (used at unki's funeral) and the second is the bluegrass breakfast movie clip. the third is a partial song snippet that i think is one of the funniest moments in the whole recording process. well, except for when everyone in the room was debating whether i would look good in a dress or not. (and they all voted yes, in case you were wondering) so, check out the links, the last will load the fastest, and for everything else you will just have to wait until the album is finished! you will need apple's quicktime7 to view the video clip. (it's a free download)
I am a pilgrim
Breakfast of bluegrass