warrant sucks, and so does cc deville
i remember listening to warrant in middle school, thinking how some day it would be great to make out and hold hands with a hot chic while listening to their powerful love ballads.
today, 20 years later, i "borrowed" one of their cd's and i almost threw up in my mouth a little bit just trying to listen to it.
like that time i made out with this ugly chic after one of our shows, then she got excited, and it turned out to be a good looking guy instead.
it was that bad. warrant, that is.
that last part was just a test to see if you were paying attention, as i would NEVER make out with an ugly chic!
of course, since i am quite often approached by not so "hot" women, i sometimes forget what i need to do to appear suave and debonair when the hot ones do approach me. as in this weekend. in the past year there have been maybe 15 different decent looking women come up to the stage and say that i'm cute. to which i always reply, thank you, but i'm guessing you already have a boyfriend. and so far, the only ones who said they did not have a boyfriend were already married. great! this last weekend, at a wedding we were playing, a very good looking woman comes up on stage, in front of everyone else, and tells me i'm cute. so i say thank you, jerry asks how much i payed here to say that, and she leaves with her friend before i think to ask anything about her.
if anyone knows a hot chic in billings, montana that thinks i'm cute, send me her name and phone number and i promise i will "take care" of you!
since i was so depressed on sunday for throwing another missed chic encounter on the enormous pile of previous lost chances, i took holly dog out into the fresh snow and played with the camera for awhile. at least i have some nice pictures to remember the hot chic with light brown curly hair, beautiful smile, nice full lips,
oh wait, that's just holly dog.