Saturday, October 28, 2006

once again,

i guess i lied. i never finished my other post. currently, i am in the lobby of the hotel, using their computer since the wireless in the room is down. and this thing doesn't have a card reader, so you will have to wait until i get home tomorrow night for all the pictures i took last night and today. we are playing for a halloween party tonight, i'm going to go as joe dirt. kinda fits, as hank wood and joe dirt both sound pretty low to me. the only difference, is he got a hot blonde in the end, so where's mine? one thing i had last night that he didn't: the hot barmaid's brought me cheese balls while we were playing. and i have no idea why my guitar neck and white pick i was using turned orange. must be because of halloween. i thought about dressing up as a decent upstanding citizen, but realised i didn't have the right skills to pull that off. it's been fun so far, but right now, it's time to hit some coffee and head back to the hotel room to practice the new song we learned today while we were bored. and time to change into a "great white" t shirt from '86. i just hope the club doesn't burn down.

ok, here's some pictures, the video i will load later.

mmmmm, cheese balls.......

the guy sitting down is colie hamilton. he filled in for mike on bass this weekend, and is the original guitarist that i replaced. and by replaced i mean i stand on the stage in the spot he used, because this guy is 100 times better than me on guitar. and he can listen to a song and in about 2 minutes have every part figured out on the guitar, even all the lead stuff. a very amazing individual. and that weird look on carls face behind him? the next picture will explain.

yep, carl squeezed out a butt bomb compliments of the kfc buffet, and that's colie with his head hanging out the window trying not to puke. it laid waste to the air on the whole floor we were on. i ran out of the room as fast as i could and it still made my eyes water. and by water i mean i was sobbing/crying uncontrollably.

check it, carl can play left handed too!

this is the song by tom petty that colie sat in the car and figured out while me and carl did a bombing run on the buffet at kfc.

watching king kong before heading out to the club

even in black and white she's a pretty hot looking chic, too bad she's old and probably dead by now

isn't he cute!

Thursday, October 26, 2006

i swear, the rest of my house is clean. unfortunately my living room looks like a tour bus exploded in it. since i remembered being asked several times what gear i use and not posting about it yet, here it is. also, unfortunately, this picture will have to suffice until later tonight, as right now i have to stuff it all back in the road cases and pack a suitcase as we are heading north in the morning, near the canadian border, to play this weekend. if you zoom the picture in you can see that i now have my second SG back from mr guitar wizard himself, brian wicks, a custom guitar builder here in town. they are both exactly the same, which means i don't have to carry my fender strat as a back up any more. (man i hate that thing) so i'm pleased to have helen and hannah back together again, just in time for a road trip.

back later

ok, here is a list of what i use.

(2) epiphone g400 sg's, made from korina hardwood. they only made them for a couple years, and the only thing harder to find is one of the original gibson's made from korina, which they only built for one year. and they look way worse than the epiphones like mine built 10 years later. the gibson's look like plywood. anyway's, the body is the only original pieces left on my guitars. the pickups, volume and tone pots, wiring and tuners have all been changed out to gibson stuff. the only difference between the two are that helen(the first one i bought) has a '57classic burst bucker bridge pickup, and hannah has a '57 classic+ on the bridge. both have standard '57 classics on the neck.

my amp is a marshall jcm2000 dsl 401, all tube. it's 40 watts total, and sounds reallly killer through the 4x12 cabinet. while it has great overdrive tones, getting a really clean sound out of it is nearly impossible. especially when using guitars like mine with humbucker pickups. (i will be switching to a hughes and vettner amp in the next few weeks for live stuff so that i can leave the marshall set up at home full time)

my pedal board has a boss inline tuner, morley volume/wah pedal, and channel changer for my amp.

the rack case has a furman power conditioner, behringer noise gate/compressor/expander, a behringer dual 15 band equalizer, a digitech s100 effects unit, and a patch bay keeping it all together.

and what order is it all used in? good question, i'll see if i can remember.

guitar>tuner>volume/wah>patchbay>noisegate/compressor/expander>first 15 band eq>patchbay>amp>through preamp>effects loop send>patchbay>second 15 band eq>effects unit>patchbay>effects loop return>poweramp>internal speaker or 4x12 cabinet. i think that's how it goes.......

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

back in the swing

well, we proved when we were at the eagle's club a week ago that it is possible to play so bad that drunk people and underage kids will come up and ask what's going on. we all switched instruments, and played a song that didn't sound too bad. no one really noticed until we had switched after each song for about 3 in a row. our drummer played guitar for the first time ever. (don't tell him, but i turned his amp off when he wasn't looking) but he did have all the killer moves down, jumping around like a lead player. then mike played lead while i played bass and carl drummed, which wasn't too bad. the last switch was me playing lead, carl playing bass, and mike playing drums. that's when the complaining started. it's a good thing we switched back to our normal places after that, as i was next up to sing or play drums. neither of which would have been even mildly entertaining.

this last weekend we had off, so i decided it was time to clean the homestead a bit. shampoo the carpets, drag out the dead hookers piled up in the basement, get everything ready for winter outside, since, as of today, it is only 46 days until the local ski hill opens. and i plan on being there when it does. also, i learned a few things. one is that i'm glad i got my chemical problems worked out without having to go to a lock up rehab facility. i went to visit one of my friends who is currently finishing up his 28 day vacation there, and it's not a fun place to be. but it was great to see him doing well again. the other thing i learned is this: if you are going out on a first date with a chic who has 2 very protective older brothers, and they ask you what your intentions are with their little sister, DO NOT say "before or after i dismember her body?"

Jaqueline Khury cooking I

i never wanted to be an inanimate object before, but now i want to be a cake. check out her other videos on youtube.

Friday, October 13, 2006

friday's answers

tonight we play at the eagle's club, it's only been 2 weeks since we last played, yet it seems like forever and a day when we are playing well and having fun. i've been playing bass at home alot while working on the 15FTW stuff, 13 more songs to go. i also spent one night doing some sample recording with a guy who i will talk more about later when the details are more solid. a little different style of country than i've been playing bass on, but i picked it up pretty quick.

i get alot of email questions from people who don't want to post them in the comments because they think i may not want to answer it in public. personally, i don't care what you post in the comments. but, my mother does occasionally read this blog, and the VERY FEW comments i have deleted were not necessarily that bad to me, i just didn't want to listen to my mother complain about them. so basically, feel free to ask or write about whatever you want in the comments. one of three things will most likely happen. i will answer it here, i will send you an email, or, i might ignore/delete it. but i know i have not deleted more than maybe three in the year and a half i've done this, and i can't think of a single question asked here on the blog that i didn't answer eventually.

the privately emailed questions? now that's a different subject. i have been asked alot of uncanny things. and while most were not offensive, they happened to be about the few things that i will not talk about here on this blog. like the guy who found my website searching for tucker max stuff who is convinced that i must have just as many good stories about the "relationships" i've been in, no matter how "brief", due to my supposed lifestyle and being the only single guy in a rock band. while this may be true, it's one of those things i don't feel the need to write about. i've done alot of stupid AND hilarious things in my life, most end up being written here, just not THOSE stories.

this next partial email (to protect the um, innocent. you know who you are, naughty girl!) was from yesterday.

Thanks for the email. I'll add you into my address book. I get some pretty disgusting emails that I would love to send your way.

i realise that i present myself as somewhat of a male pig who does whatever he wants whenever he wants, which is pretty much true. (although i think i am MUCH more handsome than any pig i've seen) the thing that makes me different from the rest of the human swine family is that i don't do whatever i want, whenever i want, no matter who it hurts. i've never intenionally hurt anyone, and most of my time i spend helping my friends. so yeah, when i get a chance to do something i really want to do, i do it! that's the stuff that usually ends up on this blog. with pictures. and police records to prove it. and the lindsey lohan thing? as the email above offers, i'm all for looking at disgusting things. once. i was just tired of deleting emails that said LOOK! when i wrote that. i saw it one time, that was enough. and to whoever asked me for a link to it, no. i'm sure (google for pedophiles) will be glad to help you out.

so on to some questions:

You don't want kids, yet you named your motorcycle "Baby"? And, I hear you got your ears pierced!

--the motorcycle was named that by my roommate (rogers) in college. he didn't have a girlfriend when he first bought it, so he figured it was his "babe". as to what he might have been doing with it out in the parking lot on those dark lonely nights, i have no idea. but i did have thorough blood tests done for any potential std's when i got it from him a few years ago. and i've never actually said i didn't want kids, i've just never been in a hurry to have them. i've made it this far in life without growing up, and i'm pretty sure having kids would require me to do just that. and earrings? yes. both ears. but don't tell my mum. she doesn't know yet, and right now i'm actually considered one of her good kids as she is still mad at my sister. so don't ruin my once a decade respite from being constantly reminded that i wasn't raised to act like this by telling her.

Have you heard of double knots?

--yes, but i have not been checked out by the safety officer on those yet, so i'm not allowed to use them for fear of hurting myself and others.

Nothing to do with this post, but you sound like you can be a nice and intelligent and person. So why don’t you get your head out of your ass, slow down on drinking , quit taking the pills that make you fell good temporarily and stop talking about woman like thay are trash and start living before your DEAD. “good luck”

--very good advice, indeed! though i've not said much about it here, that is in fact what i've been working on the last 8 months. and things are going quite well. i have been spending lots of quality time with a very good drug and alcohol counselor, who does happen to read this blog to check up on me, so every one say "hi karen"! i do get a little nervous every time we chat that she goes through a whole legal size notepad like she's writing a thesis on the effects of our declining civilization brought about by my mere existence on this mortal coil we call earth. i think it's just a coincidence.

How is the Mustang doing, and how about sharing that Lindsey Lohan link?

--it's doing good, nothing but the throttle and gear shifter work, but luckily there are no vehicle inspections in montana. and the link? see above.

a friend said...

I also know Hank, and he really does have a great sense of humor. I don't think Hank has a mean bone in his body. He may be strange at times (ha ha) but he has a big heart. Also being a female I have never been offended by anything he has said. Thanks Hank for all the smiles and laughs!

--that's what i do best!

here's my question: who the heck is jay farrar?

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


i'm not sure if that is a word, but it describes me pretty well. here are some photo's from the last two weeks to entertain you while i'm busy doing more recording tonight.

this shows my number and class i raced in at the drag strip. the class "f/u" stands for ford unibody, of course. the run started out with a nice burnout. then the 'rustang ran out of gas half way down the track. just normal.

the rest of the photo's are from a cpr class i took with crazy carl and the 8th annual bob ward golf classic that was played in near snow conditions. check out the wadders that the top female player of the tournament was wearing.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

slacker 2

not to be confused with stacker 2. i have a few things going on, mainly deep in recording bass parts and doing mixes, and while i had a good write up ready to post this morning, i will wait until later this week. right now, i would just like to send my condolences to some of the readers of this blog (you know who you are) and to one of my band mates, who lost a family member this week. as such, premonition WILL NOT be playing this weekend as scheduled.