Wednesday, April 18, 2007


update coming soon, thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes, and in the meantime check out the new comment to one of my previous posts: Legacy

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


last week was fun. i had the flu for 3 days, then played both friday and saturday night. there is nothing on the history, discovery and national geographic channels that i have not seen. i don't know how many channels i get, but those are the only ones i watch.

we play again this weekend, and i know, i need to get the schedule updated on my website as several of you whined to me about. last week i had forgot about playing completely until carl told me we were setting up and doing sound check that night. oops. it's a good thing i never plan anything more than about 2 hours in advance, and it's also a good thing that everyone knows that my memory sucks and so they remind me constantly of what i'm supposed to do next.

i did finally manage to get all my recording and mastering equipment set up and working again so that i can get back to finishing the bluegrass album. playing through the demo mix's i have to practice to proved that i had forgot how to play half of them. the problem now is that i don't have unk to call to tell me what to play, so i will have to rely on my uncle bill, who plays mandolin on the album, and some of uncle howards friends he played with to get everything sounding right. there is also a post uncle howard was working on before he passed away about playing at the blugrass festival in winfield kansas last fall that my uncle bill is going to finish as he was there also, so that will be up soon.

i'll be back later to answer some questions.