my stuff in roadcases getting ready to go setup

setting everything up, my truck is to the right and carl's is to the left

close up at some point during the night (first time i ever played wearing a coat)
kids from jerry's 5th grade class wanting his autograph
and here is the newspaper article:
St. Patty’s Day party draws huge crowd to Main Street
News-Argus Staff Writer
A renewed celebration of all things green got Lewistown dancing a collective jig Friday.
The first ever “Green-feet Fun Night” hosted by the Lewistown Area Chamber of Commerce featured free food, live music and a bonfire in the middle of Main Street, sparking hundreds to gather in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day.
“Spirits were high,” said Connie Fry, Chamber executive director. “Lots of people were wearing green and everyone seemed to be having a really good time.”
Though created as a community appreciation night, as the luck of the Irish would have it, the Main Street event also drew visitors to Lewistown.
The Green-feet Fun Night bonfire, provided by Don Bost, kept the crowd warm throughout the evening. Some visitors even cooked French bread and potatoes over the fire.
“It was the most awesome and delightful way to celebrate my heritage,” said Jean L. Urs, a dual resident of Coffee Creek and Great Falls. “My husband (Daniel J. Urs) and I are from Coffee Creek and I work at the mental health center in Great Falls.
I have a good friend who has an antique space at the Emporium and she called to tell me the Garden Café was having Irish music during the day and there would be a bonfire that night. It sounded like fun so we made a special trip just for the event.
“I was so impressed with the whole presentation,” she said. “The bonfire was fabulous. The band was so clear and wonderful, if I closed my eyes they could have been Alabama or Lone Star. Then someone said we should get something to eat, because the Chamber was had donated the food. A little later I ate delicious polish dog. I was totally blown away by the whole thing and the people in Lewistown, well they were great!”
Urs added that she has told everyone at work in Great Falls what a wonderful time she had at the Green-feet Fun Night.
While guests danced and warmed by the fire, Chamber board members Alan Aldrich, Jayme Durbin, Trace Sweeney, Jeff Whitcraft, Joe Eckhardt, Don Bost and Brandon Cowen cooked up 589 polish sausages and hot dogs. Connie Fry, Chamber Office Manager Deb Bowser, and gotta have it! owner Cindie Evans dished out the fixings and soda pop. Not a drop of food was left over.
“There was a really diversified group gathered around the bonfire and eating,” Fry said. “It was heartwarming to see people really enjoying the food and music. Some even brought French bread and potatoes to cook on the fire.
“Some of the kids were so timid,” Fry added. “They would come up and ask so shyly, ‘Can I have a hot dog?’ When we said, ‘Of course you can! Have two or three,’ their eyes lit up so big. It was so gratifying and made me think how we can kind of take for granted putting a meal on the table.”
The town party started at 5 p.m. with Don Bost lighting the bonfire and Premonition performing live on a raised stage provided by Duane Ferdinand of the Big Spring Creek Society of Bluegrass and Folk Music.
“The four band-members of Premonition donated their time for the community,” said Fry. “They played from 5 to 8:30 p.m. and it was cold away from the fire. Bill, from the Glacier was concerned about the people working the event and he delivered hot coffee.” After the band finished and the crowd dispersed, event coordinators spent close to an hour tearing down the bonfire and stage, and cleaning up.
“We didn’t have a lot of time to plan this year’s Green-feet Fun Night after we got the idea,” said Fry. “But it was so well received, we hope to make it bigger and better next year.” Those plans include adding to the menu, having a parade and possibly a St. Patrick’s Day run.
they didn't get who started the bonfire right. i know, because i took a picture of who did:

it was jeff whitcraft, from the Judith Shadows Golf Course.
edit: they did print pictures of us on a seperate page with other photo's from that night.